(452d) Research Needs for Nanotechnology Commercialization | AIChE

(452d) Research Needs for Nanotechnology Commercialization


Grieco, W. J. - Presenter, Alkermes, Inc.

The Chemical Industry Vision2020 developed the "Chemical Industry R&D Roadmap for Nanotechnology by Design" at the request of the National Nanotechnology Coordination Office. Over 90 participants from 16 companies, government, and academia identified R&D areas needed in Fundamental Understanding & Synthesis, Manufacturing & Processing, Characterization Tools, Modeling & Simulation, and Environment, Safety, and Health. This presentation summarizes the results of a follow-on report that develops more detailed R&D needs for implementation of nanotechnology in the chemical industry, emphasizing needs for characterization and manufacturing and processing.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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