(80e) The Battle of Safety Vs Non-Conductive Solvents and Non-Conductive Equipment | AIChE

(80e) The Battle of Safety Vs Non-Conductive Solvents and Non-Conductive Equipment


Prytko, R. J. - Presenter, Sepracor, Inc.

In the kilolab, the importance of considering electrostatic discharge when scaling up chemistry is often overlooked. The reasons for this appear to be related to:

1. Lack of data in determining how to assess potential problems.

2. Electrostatic theory and practical applications are not taught in most universities.

3. Previous lab operations are looked upon as a guarantee of future success.

In any case, the failure to account for electrostatic discharges can have devastating results and thus warrants detailed planning to minimize or eliminate in the kilolab. A case study will be presented showing how basic grounding failed to prevent charge accumulation and the subsequent discharge during a filtration operation. This event led to a root cause analysis and ultimately, to the implementation of new equipment, PPE and procedures. Specific topics will include:

1. Charge generation from ?normal? operations.

2. Kilolab equipment set-up and design.

3. Materials of construction for kilolab equipment and transfer lines.

4. Solvent properties: There's more than just flashpoint to consider!