(86c) The Smart Plant - Industrial Perspectives on the Vision and a Reasonable Path to Achievement | AIChE

(86c) The Smart Plant - Industrial Perspectives on the Vision and a Reasonable Path to Achievement


Gipson, Jr., J. N. - Presenter, The Dow Chemical Company

Dow Chemical, like other companies in the Process Industries and Industry at large, is constantly striving for increased business success, achieved through corporate growth strategies, a competitive external product/service offering, and a relentless drive for improved performance and productivity. The concept and vision of the smart plant, where Manufacturing within the larger Enterprise achieves defined optimal performance, and automated decisions are taken to the next level, is an essential enabler of business results. However, the vision must be combined with an understanding of opportunity gaps, a prioritized, feasible, long-term plan, and disciplined execution. Illustrative examples will be provided of how Dow is pursuing opportunities at the Enterprise and Asset levels, and across the Asset life-cycle, with the intent to stimulate dialogue, promote collaboration within industry and technology segments, and reinforce the application of industry standards and emerging best practices.