(93i) Evaluation of the Effect of Metabisulphite Addition and Must Pasteurization in Yeast Performance of Pineapple Wine Fermentation | AIChE

(93i) Evaluation of the Effect of Metabisulphite Addition and Must Pasteurization in Yeast Performance of Pineapple Wine Fermentation


Nieves, I. D. - Presenter, University of Puerto RIco/Mayaguez Campus

Pineapples, mangoes and oranges are highly appreciated fruits in Europe and North America. These tropical fruits are common cultivars in Puerto Rico. They have a great potential for exportation as added value products. Wines and brandies are excellent alternatives to value added products of these fruits; they will open new and exclusive markets for local farmers who would sell these fruits as raw material for such products. However, in order to compete in the wine and brandy market, high quality products must be developed. The main objective of the TSTAR 101 project is to develop high quality wines and brandies from these fruits cultivated in Puerto Rico. The effect of several yeast strains on appearance, flavor and aroma acceptance of wines from these fruit will be evaluated.

In the work presented here, the combined effect of the addition of metabisulphite and the pasteurization of pineapple juice and before fermentation was evaluated in terms of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae performance related to the sugar consumption. The yeast strain used was the Montrachet Red Star (ATCC 36026) strain, and the pineapple variety used was the Red Spanish.