(95m) Cleaning Processes in the Semiconductor Industry | AIChE

(95m) Cleaning Processes in the Semiconductor Industry


Sanchez, R. - Presenter, University of Puerto Rico


Semiconductors industry uses Isopropyl alcohol to clean tools used in the production of semiconductors. This experiment would test its effectiveness. The experiments would be done in an aluminum wafer with a silicon nitride top layer that could help simulate the aluminum chambers of the fabs contaminated with silicon nitride (Si3N4). Based on the results of this project there could be made some improvements that would help to build a more efficiently process in time, cost and production. After testing the regular process, which is scrubbing down the surface to remove the particles, using water to clean the surface and then isopropyl alcohol to remove the water, we found that it is not really effective because the removal is not uniform. We have found that a NF3 etch would be really necessary so that it helps the nitride particles get loose so that the cleaning process would be more effective.