Study of the Pir"Lisis of Organic Residues and Waste Water, for the Light Obtaining of Petroleum | AIChE

Study of the Pir"Lisis of Organic Residues and Waste Water, for the Light Obtaining of Petroleum


J. Colpas, F. - Presenter, Universidad de Cartagena
Molinares, M. R. - Presenter, Universidad de Cartagena
Fernandez, G. - Presenter, Universidad de Cartagena


The present work deals with pyrolisis of mixed samples of residual organic products for the production of volatile substances, like methane, hydrogen, ethane, propylene y propane, among others. The results showed that after the pyrolisis, the sample that was closer to the light oil composition (higher olefin and aromatic content) was that prepared mixing 30% of organic waste, 30% of cracking waste and 40% of fat and oils, pyrolized during 1 hour. With the samples prepared mixing 50% of organic waste, 50% of cracking waste, pyrolized during 1 and 2 hours, a higher quantity of isoparafins (2,2-Dimethil Butane), was obtained because they contained a higher proportion of crackng residues than the other samples.

The pyrolisis was carried out to 300° C, since this was the temperature that showed better behavior in degrading the sample.

Keywords: Pyrolisis, Polyaromatics, volatiles, olefins, isoparafins.


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