Advances in Separations and Immobilization of Nuclear Waste | AIChE

Advances in Separations and Immobilization of Nuclear Waste


Calloway, Jr., T. B., Savannah River National Laboratory

The goal of this venue is to present basic and applied research contributions in the areas of DOE waste pretreatment and immobilization. Papers that further the current understanding of baseline technologies that are planned to be implemented or have been implemented are solicited. Sessions topics will include, but are not limited to the following: evaporation, filtration, precipitation, solvent extraction, ion exchange, slurry handling, vitrification, bulk vitrification, Pu Immobilization, steam reforming, and waste form development. Contributions that present process improvements to existing treatment plants are welcome. Experimental contributions that benchmark the performance of commercially available ion exchange resins that have not been selected for use by the DOE research and development programs are encouraged. Papers that discuss the advances in the supplemental treatment of Hanford wastes are highly encouraged. Papers that present advancements in waste form development (e.g. increase waste loading), are also encouraged.



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