Application of Multiscale Modeling Techniques | AIChE

Application of Multiscale Modeling Techniques


Hwang, G. S., The University of Texas at Austin


Mitchell, M. C., New Mexico

Papers are solicited on the application of multiscale modeling and simulation that has emerged as a new research area. Multiscale modeling aims to develop improved descriptions of the macroscopic behavior of materials and systems through the incorporation of fundamental information about materials structures and processes from various time and length scales as necessary. This session intends to promote advances in multiscale modeling strategies and their applications in the process and control of various material systems. Paper submission is encouraged in the areas of, but not limited to, synthesis and modification of nanostructured materials and systems, structure-property relationships, evolution of surface structures, chemical phenomena on catalytic surfaces, diffusion profiling of defects and dopants in semiconductors and oxides, and experimental validation of multiscale models.



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