Liquid-Phase Synthesis of Nanoparticles | AIChE

Liquid-Phase Synthesis of Nanoparticles


Harris, M. T., Purdue University


Hu, M. Z., Oak Ridge National Laboratory

During the synthesis of nanostructured materials and particles, complex solution phenomena in the liquid phase can go far in directing the metastable nanostructure. In many ways this session is the application of traditional colloid and surfactance science to the emerging nanoparticle synthesis field. The particle formation field is moving toward more advanced particle design (e.g., engineered particles, particle assembly) using new methods of particle formation. In addition, there is a trend toward better understanding, monitoring and control of conventional particle formation processes (e.g., agglomeration, crystallization, extrusion, atomization, coating, etc.) as required to meet new particle design requirements. In both cases, advances in particle formation are being applied to the design of particulate products with more sophisticated structure-property relationships. These efforts are well represented in both industry and academia. This session invites discussion of various particle formation processes, both novel and conventional, along with the application of process monitoring and control to achieve particle design objectives.



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