Multiscale Modeling of Biological Processes and Systems | AIChE

Multiscale Modeling of Biological Processes and Systems



With continuously increasing computational methods, modeling and simulation are becoming powerful tools in biological research. Modeling and simulation in biology possess significant challenges and one of the main challenges is relating behavior at the nano- or micro-level to properties at the macro-level. These multi-scale challenges are critical to the future of systems biology. Systems biology seeks to gain a further understanding of biological systems by describing the integrated function of many genes or proteins, and the implications for complex macro-scale phenomena such as disease states. Our knowledge of the properties of proteins and genes at the nano-level is growing rapidly due to the great successes of hypothesis driven reductionist research. Now, multi-scale modeling algorithms, techniques, mathematical theories are needed that will increase our understanding of multi-scale phenomena in biological systems. This session will focus on the development of these tools with applications in biology.



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