(117g) Adsorption Isosters Measurements on Cacl2 Impregnated Acf Felt for an Application of Ammonia Scrubber | AIChE

(117g) Adsorption Isosters Measurements on Cacl2 Impregnated Acf Felt for an Application of Ammonia Scrubber


Yanagi, H. - Presenter, Cyclect Electrical Engineering Pte Ltd
Aristov, Y. I. - Presenter, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis
Tokarev, M. - Presenter, Boreskov Institute of Catalysis

Accidental released ammonia liquid or vapor is usually hosed down by spraying water to curtail its spread. However, ammonia absorption capacity of water is low (0.03kg-ammonia / kg-water) and hence much quantity of water is required to mitigate released ammonia. Therefore we have developed adsorbent for an application of mobile scrubber vehicle, which allows more effective and efficient recovery of any accidental release of liquid or vapor by actively scrubbing into adsorbers. The mobile scrubber vehicle provides a versatile and mobile mitigation means to curtail the spread of toxic vapors into the environment in the event of a release by bringing the scrubber unit on site. As for adsorbers active carbon fiber (ACF) has many advantages, which has large surface area, 1500m2/g as well as large pore volume, 1,2ml/g especially for micro pores, 1,7 nm which provide higher adsorption capacity and also faster adsorption as well as desorption rates than that of powder or granular activated carbon. However the adsorption capacity of ACF is at most 0.09 kg-ammonia / kg-adsorbent under 0.1Mpa and room temperature. In order to install adsorbers within the limited space on a vehicle this amount is not sufficient. Hence we were concentrated on developing on CaCl2 impregnated ACF felt which allows to increase its adsorption capacity and decreases flow resistance. In the present paper we demonstrate on its measured isosters and isotherms on ammonia adsorption. The test sample of ?31 wt% Calcium chloride impregnated carbon fibers? was synthesized using ACF felt provided by Nantong Tonghui Industrial & Trading Co.,Ltd in China and CaCl2 aqueous solution. Isosters of ammonia sorption have been measured for base ACF felt and ?31 wt% Calcium chloride impregnated carbon fibers? at T = 20-90oC and P = 0.1-9.0 bar. The uptake covered the range of 4.8 to 32 wt.% that corresponds the range of 1 to 7 mol NH3 per mol of CaCl2. The method used is based on the sample heating in a closed volume with registration of the NH3 equilibrium pressure P as a function of temperature T. Apparent enthalpy of ammonia sorption was obtained directly from the straight isosteric lines presented as lnP vs. 1000/T. Appropriate correction of this value was done to take into account the ?dead? volume in the adsorber. Isotherms of ammonia sorption on the both samples were plotted using the Polaniy potential theory for temperatures 20, 30, 40, ?, 900C in the pressure range 0.1-9 bar. The test results showed that adsorption capacity was larger than 0.2w% and isosteric heat of adsorption was average 1824kJ/kg, respectively.


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