(128f) In Vivo Evaluation of Skin Permeability of Drugs after Applying Adhesive Transdermal Patch | AIChE

(128f) In Vivo Evaluation of Skin Permeability of Drugs after Applying Adhesive Transdermal Patch


Tojo, K. - Presenter, Kyushu Institute of Techmology

We have previously demonstrated that the skin permeability can be evaluated under in vivo conditions on the basis of the tape stripping method. At two time intervals, t1 and t2, following the onset of skin absorption experiment, the drug amount permeated in the stratum corneum were measured by tape stripping and then the ratio of the amounts at t1 and t2, m1/m2, can be related to the dimensionless quantity, Dt1/h2, where D, t1 and h are the diffusion coefficient in the stratum corneum, the duration of patch application (t1


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