(139f) Solubilities of Blowing Agent Blends | AIChE

(139f) Solubilities of Blowing Agent Blends


Li, G. - Presenter, University of Toronto
Leung, S. N. - Presenter, University of Toronto
Wang, J. - Presenter, University of Toronto
Park, C. B. - Presenter, University of Toronto

The solubility of HFC 134a and HFC 152a in polystyrene melt was measured up to 800 psi at 150 oC and 190 oC. A magnetic suspension balance was used to experimentally measure the apparent solubility. The Simha-Somcynsky (SS) equation of state (EOS) was applied in the multi-components system to estimate the swollen volume. Consequently, the buoyancy compensation can be obtain to determine the solubility of the blowing agent blends in the polymer melt.


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