(140e) Mathematical Modeling of New Phase Growth Due to Solute Diffusion | AIChE

(140e) Mathematical Modeling of New Phase Growth Due to Solute Diffusion


Hashemi, S. J. - Presenter, University of Calgary

The growth of the stationary new phase formed from supersaturated liquid has significant role in many areas such as, the growth of bubbles in heavy oil and the growth of crystalline solid in hydrate engineering. The simplified governing equations for new phase growth in a solution has been formulated and solved for a single nucleate, assuming that mass transfer is the rate limiting step. This problem is of interest to heavy-oil solution gas drive and gas transportation. Applications to growth of hydrate as new phase in a hydrate-water slurry and bubble as new phase in heavy oil were shown. It can also be applied to the analysis of the growth of a stationary gas bubble as a result of mass transfer of one component from the liquid to the gas forming the bubble. The growth behavior of a single nucleate is needed in order to study population growth.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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