(170e) Three-Dimensional Cell Seeding and Culture in Novel Radial-Flow Perfusion Bioreactor | AIChE

(170e) Three-Dimensional Cell Seeding and Culture in Novel Radial-Flow Perfusion Bioreactor


Yamaoka, T. - Presenter, National Cardiovascular Center Research Institute

Radial-flow perfusion bioreactor systems have been designed and evaluated to enable direct cell seeding into a three-dimensional porous scaffold and subsequent cell culture for in vitro tissue reconstruction. However, one of the limitations of in vitro regeneration is the tissue necrosis that occurs at the central part of the three-dimensional scaffold. In the present study, tubular poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) porous scaffolds with an optimized pore size and porosity were prepared by the lyophilization method, and the effect of different perfusion conditions on cell seeding and growth were compared with those of the conventional static culture. The medium flowed radially from the lumen toward the periphery of the tubular scaffolds. It was found that cell seeding under a radial-flow perfusion condition of 1.1 mL/cm2?min was effective, and that the optimal flow rate for cell growth was 4.0 mL/cm2?min. At this optimal rate, the increase in seeded cells in the perfusion culture over a period of 5 days was 7.3-fold greater than that by static culture over the same period. The perfusion cell seeding resulted in a uniform distribution of cells throughout the scaffold. Subsequently, the perfusion of medium and hence the provision of nutrients and oxygen permitted growth and maintenance of the tissue throughout the scaffold. The perfusion seeding/culture system was a much more effective strategy than the conventional system in which cells are seeded under a static condition and cultured in a bioreactor such as a spinner flask.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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