(352f) Nucleation and Growth of Aluminum Nanoparticles Using Monte Carlo Simulations | AIChE

(352f) Nucleation and Growth of Aluminum Nanoparticles Using Monte Carlo Simulations


Bhatt, D. - Presenter, University of Minnesota
Truhlar, D. G. - Presenter, University of Minnesota

Nucleation and growth of Al nanoparticles in the vapor phase are studied using analytic potential energy functions that give an accurate representation of the bulk vapor-liquid coexistence curve. At several temperatures above the bulk melting point, standard state Gibbs free energy changes for the reactions relevant to the growth of nanoparticles of size n (i.e., Al(n)+Al = Al(n+1)) and nucleation barriers are calculated via Monte Carlo simulations. An umbrella sampling potential is utilized to sample all relevant cluster sizes efficiently in a single simulation. The standard-state free energy change increases with temperature, and the reactions are exothermic. Additionally, the standard state free energy change approaches a constant value with increase in cluster size.