(36g) Nano Energetics for Us Navy Percussion Primer Applications | AIChE

(36g) Nano Energetics for Us Navy Percussion Primer Applications


Ostrowski, P. P. - Presenter, Energetic Materials Technology
Bichay, M. M. - Presenter, Indian Head Division
Puszynski, J. A. - Presenter, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology

The use of Metastable Intermolecular Compounds (MIC)is being investigated at the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head Division, Indian Head, MD as a replacement for lead-containing compounds presently used in percussion primers. Two nanoscale MIC formulations (Al/MoO3 and Al/Bi2O3)have been evaluated. Equilibrium thermochemical calculations were used to determine the theoretical heat release as a function of mixture stoichiometry taking account of the oxide layer on the aluminum. These calculations were used as guides in designing the MIC formulations used for test and evaluation. Various technical and safety issues encountered during the program will be discussed, as well as test results obtained with both primers and primer initiated devices used in US Navy aircrew escape systems.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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