(47b) A Road Map to the Decarbonization of the U.S. Energy MIX. - the Potential Impact of Solar Thermal Energy | AIChE

(47b) A Road Map to the Decarbonization of the U.S. Energy MIX. - the Potential Impact of Solar Thermal Energy


Shinnar, R. - Presenter, The City College of New York
Citro, F. - Presenter, The City College of New York

In this paper we present a plan for the gradual replacement of 98% of our total fossil fuel needs with available and affordable technology (which would also reduce 97% of present total CO2 emissions). We show that the direct use of electricity produced from alternative sources can replace 72% of the fossil fuel we consume. Another 26% can be replaced by hydrocarbons produced from syngas, a mixture of carbon oxides produced by gasifying biomass and hydrogen generated by electrolysis powered by alternative energy sources. 50% of this goal could be achieved over thirty years, and 80-90% over about 50 years.