(498c) Hydrogen Generation by Reforming Dimethylether Using Micro-Channel Reactor | AIChE

(498c) Hydrogen Generation by Reforming Dimethylether Using Micro-Channel Reactor


Sato, Y. - Presenter, TOSHIBA Corp.
Ono, . A. - Presenter, TOSHIBA Corp.
Tezuka, F. - Presenter, TOSHIBA Corp.
Isozaki, Y. - Presenter, TOSHIBA Corp.

A micro-channel reactor system composed of a reforming micro-channel reactor, a water gas shift micro-channel reactor, a selective methanation reaction micro-channel reactor, and a catalytic combustion micro-channel reactor was designed and fabricated. Each micro-channel reactor had parallel channels. Each channel width was 150 µm. The channel wall was coated by noble metal catalysts. The volume of each reactor was about 10 cm3. The micro-channel reactor system produced 223 ccm hydrogen with CO concentration of 59 ppm by reforming 50 ccm dimethylether (DME). The reformed hydrogen produced by the micro-channel reactor system has capable to be used as a fuel for a 20W class proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell. We analyzed the performance of the micro-channel reactor. The reactor performance was estimated theoretically by channel-wall area coated with catalysts and fuel feeding rate under the reaction-controlling-condition. The reaction-controlling-condition is realized in the micro-channel reactor by making channel width narrow. Experimental performance data related to the reforming micro-channel reactor showed good correspondence with the theoretical analysis data.


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