(593e) Receptor Modeling of Surface Aerosols at Gosan (Korea) during the Asian Pacific Regional Aerosol Characterization Experiment (Ace) – Asia | AIChE

(593e) Receptor Modeling of Surface Aerosols at Gosan (Korea) during the Asian Pacific Regional Aerosol Characterization Experiment (Ace) – Asia


Carmichael, G. R. - Presenter, University of Iowa
Tang, Y. - Presenter, University of Iowa
Pan, L. - Presenter, University of Iowa

Aerosols, defined as the solid or liquid particles suspended in a gaseous medium, are ubiquitous components of the Earth's atmosphere. The fact that these aerosols are linked to various adverse effects including increased health risks, visibility reduction, altering earth's radiation budget, and changing the cloud properties by acting as cloud condensation nuclei, is a major cause of concern for the management of atmospheric air quality. The last few decades have witnessed a tremendous increase in the amount of aerosols in the atmosphere due to the rapid industrialization and economic development worldwide in particular the regions of East and South East Asia. These regions have diverse natural and anthropogenic aerosol sources. These emissions have affected the atmosphere and the climate patterns on local, regional, and hemispheric scales. The International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Program (IGAC) organized Asian Pacific Regional Aerosol Characterization Experiment (ACE ? Asia) in spring of 2001 to characterize the complex properties of Asian aerosols. In this study the size and composition resolved surface measurements of 19 aerosol species obtained from Gosan super site in Korea during spring of 2001 from March 23 to April 29 as part of the ACE-Asia field experiment were analyzed by applying a suite of receptor modeling methods. The high size resolution of aerosols facilitated improved understanding of the properties of aerosols in the coarse (> 1 µm diameter) and fine (< 1 µm) particle modes. The samples were analyzed by looking at the data summary statistics values, time series, scatter plots and Pearson correlation matrix to obtain preliminary information of the potential sources influencing the regional air quality of Gosan. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to the aerosol samples in coarse and fine modes to obtain an initial estimate of the source abundances. Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF), an advance factor analysis method, was used to resolve 3- sources in coarse mode representing natural dust, sulfur rich anthropogenic pollution source and an unresolved Bromine factor. Likewise, a 4-factor solution including the natural dust source, a general anthropogenic, vanadium rich oil combustion source and a lead dominated industrial source was identified in the fine mode. Air-mass back trajectories, calculated from the RAMS (Regional Atmospheric Modeling System) model were classified based on the PMF resolved sources to identify their physical location. The major potential source pathway of natural dust was identified as originating from desert areas of China. The anthropogenic sources were originating from the East and North East direction of the Gosan surface site suggesting the influence of local sources and the megacities in the vicinity of Gosan.