(608g) Application of on-Line Ft-Nir Spectroscopy for Monitoring the Kinetcs of Anionic Polymerizations | AIChE

(608g) Application of on-Line Ft-Nir Spectroscopy for Monitoring the Kinetcs of Anionic Polymerizations

On-line near infrared spectroscopy in combination with a fiber optic probe was successfully used to monitor the kinetics of the anionic polymerization of butadiene and in solution in presence of a polar modifier in a reactor, 20 L. The anionic polymerization initiator used was n-butllylitium and the solvent was cyclohexane. On-line GPC was used as a referece mehtod to provide the conversion and was compared with the results obtainded by on-line NIR method. We performed a serie of isotermal polymerizations in order to obtain kinetic information of the anionic polymerization of butadiene. The kinetic information obtained by on-line NIR was used to obtain a kinetic model. The implications of the kinetic model is discussed and compared with information reported in the literature. Finally, the kinetic model was used to model an industrial reactor where the behavior of the polymerization reactor is quasi-adiabatic.


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