(700b) Resolving the Active Sites for Methanol and Formic Acid Oxidation on Cu(110) by Stm
AIChE Annual Meeting
2006 Annual Meeting
Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals
Topics in Surface Science and Catalysis III, In Honor of Robert J. Madix
Friday, November 17, 2006 - 3:40pm to 4:05pm
In honour of Bob Madix's enormous contributions to the field of surface reactivity we here report work on one of the reaction systems he pioneered, namely, the adsorption and reaction of methanol and formic acid with oxygen on Cu(110). We will report mainly STM and molecular beam results which show that the active site concept depends (of course) on the reaction used. Here the active oxygens for methanol reaction (oxygen island edge sites) are shown to be different from those for formic acid reaction (all sites). The beauty of nature at the ultra-nanoscale is revealed by STM, just as it is by our eyes for the world around us.
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