Global Sustainability Strategies and Stories | AIChE

Global Sustainability Strategies and Stories


Veith, S. R., DuET - EE&S


Beaver, E. R., Practical Sustainability, LLC

Sustainability is increasingly perceived as a topic of global interest and value, especially in times where the world is facing a growing demand for fossil resources. This session is dedicated to exchange industrial and academic experiences how companies and universities are experiencing and globally reacting towards those changes. We will present examples how sustainability aspects are increasingly driving research and business decisions and invite discussions about the changing role of sustainability and how sustainability is communicated in different parts of the world. Furthermore, contributions are welcome that talk about geographical, cultural and societal differences around the globe and how well standard tools sets like e.g. LCA databases are able to address those cultural and regional diversities. The final goal of this session is to engage a diverse set of speakers from industry and academia from different parts of the world in a lively discussion about their views, trends and experiences.



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