Nano-Scale Modeling of Interfacial Systems
AIChE Annual Meeting
2006 Annual Meeting
Engineering Sciences and Fundamentals
Continental 1
Hilton San Francisco
Tuesday, November 14, 2006 - 3:15pm to 5:45pm
Yiacoumi, S., Georgia Institute of Technology
We seek papers describing molecular, mesoscopic, continuum, and multi-scale modeling of interfacial phenomena, with a special emphasis on systems exhibiting unique and technologically useful behavior owing to their nanometer length scale. Topics may include – but are not limited to – colloidal dispersions, adsorption in nanopores, protein/polymer/colloid adsorption, interfacial self-assembly, and nanofluidics. Contributions focusing on thermodynamic, dynamic, and/or steady-state aspects are encouraged.
3:15 PM
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