Water Quality Sensing and Detection Methods | AIChE

Water Quality Sensing and Detection Methods


Walker, S., University of California, Riverside


Segerson, J., SEMCON, Inc.

Chemical sensors and biosensors are an emerging area of research as they offer dynamic and quantitative analysis of toxic compounds in water. Understanding the presence and levels of these compounds is of fundamental importance to engineers and scientists in a range of disciplines (water quality, environmental health, and industrial processes). Continuing to enhance the level of detection is crucial for the assessment of health risk and water quality. However, the development of sensors for environmental monitoring has been inhibited due to technical limitations such as sensitivity, selectivity, portability, etc. The goal of this symposium is to focus upon novel approaches as well the fundamental engineering and scientific questions involved in this emerging area of research. We plan a symposium consisting of one half-day session. The symposium will begin with an invited lecture by Dr. Ashok Mulchandani, Professor of Chemical Engineering in the Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the University of California, Riverside. He is the Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and Editor-in-Chief of the Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. Dr. Mulchandani is an internationally known for his work in the area of development of biosensors for environmental monitoring and bioremediation of pesticides and heavy metals. He has authored over 130 peer-reviewed journal publications and has edited four volumes in the area of Biosensors.



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