(235e) Soa Formation and Growth from Ozononlysis of Terpene in Indoor Environments | AIChE

(235e) Soa Formation and Growth from Ozononlysis of Terpene in Indoor Environments


Hopke, P. K. - Presenter, Clarkson University
Chen, X. - Presenter, Columbia University

It has been suggested that secondary organic aerosol (SOA) can form in indoor air from infiltrated ozone and indoor reactive volatile organic compounds. In order to provide the basis for a particle nucleation and growth model to estimate SOA formation at various combinations of α-pinene and ozone concentrations for typical ventilated indoor environments, an experimental study of particle formation was conducted. In addition the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was also examined. Experiments were conducted using a 2.4 m3 stainless steel chamber with steady-state conditions. This study describes kinetics of the SOA and ROS formation initiated from ozonolysis of terpene and contributes to the understanding of indoor SOA formation mechanisms. In addition to the basic study of SOA formation, the influence of major inorganic chemical species such as ammonia and NOx present in indoor air on particle formation and growth was also studied.


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