(285e) Modeling Non Newtonian Rheology in Porous Medium Flow Caused by Incipient Precipitation | AIChE

(285e) Modeling Non Newtonian Rheology in Porous Medium Flow Caused by Incipient Precipitation


Ring, T. - Presenter, University of Utah

The generation of particulates during flow alters the rheological properties of the fluid as precipitate volume fraction increases. In a multi-physics modeling environment, precipitation (of asphaltene or wax or hydrates) is induced in a porous oil reservoir due to the pressure drop associated with the flow. The solids produced alter the fluid rheology (Newtonian to Carreau fluid), increase both the low and higher shear rate viscosity and slow the fluid flow. In some cases where a large volume fraction of particles is precipitated the flow is completely chocked off by the increase in viscosity caused by the precipitation.


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