(483e) Starved Feed Reaction Mechanism Applied in the Good Water-Solubility Hsmf Resin | AIChE

(483e) Starved Feed Reaction Mechanism Applied in the Good Water-Solubility Hsmf Resin


Su, Sr., L. - Presenter, northwestern polytechnical university
Zhang, J. - Presenter, northwestern polytechnical university
Xiao, J. - Presenter, luoyang yanjiuyuan
Zhu, G. - Presenter, northwestern polytechnical university

Catalysis and Reaction Engineering Division

Abstract The relation between the kinetics mechnicalism and the good water-solubility of melamine-formaldehyde in starved feed reaction was studied. In the reaction, the relation structure of the monomer and the reaction condition is experimented. Starved feed reaction is used in the production of low-molecular weight sol-del polymer which can be used to make concrete additives and adhesive formulations. In this article, the melamine-formaldehyde sol-gel polymer experiment phenomenon is explained by the starved feed reaction mechanicals theory.


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