(510aw) Enhancement of the Wood Flour/polymer Systems Via Compatibilization and Inclusion of Organically Modified Nanoclay | AIChE

(510aw) Enhancement of the Wood Flour/polymer Systems Via Compatibilization and Inclusion of Organically Modified Nanoclay


Hetzer, M. E. - Presenter, Tulane University
Poloso, T. - Presenter, Exxon Mobile
De Kee, D. - Presenter, Tulane University

Addition of wood flour to the polymer matrix improves its mechanical and thermal properties. Compatibilizers such as maleic anhydride modified polyethylene (MAPE) are used to enhance the interfacial adhesion between wood fibers and the polymer. The addition of nanoclay to the wood/polymer composite (WPC) in the presence of MAPE, reduces its linear coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and increases the heat deflection temperature (HDT) without affecting the processability. This project concentrates on blending high molecular weight MAPEs with low molecular weight MAPEs in order to maximize their compatibilization effects on WPC/clay nanocomposites. The effect of the inclusion of an organically modified nanoclay within the WPC matrix on the Young's modulus and the HDT will be reported.


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