(511a) Fuel Cell Technology as a Power Source for Automobiles | AIChE

(511a) Fuel Cell Technology as a Power Source for Automobiles


Today, millions of people depend on automobiles as the main source of transportation. Motor vehicles emit many harmful gases such as carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogen oxides. These emissions cause many environmental issues such as air pollution, acid rain, and global warming. Also, the dependence on the limited supply of gasoline prompted research into alternative technology to replace the internal combustion engines.

The fuel cell technology provides a promising alternative power source for automobiles. A fuel cell simply converts hydrogen gas and oxygen gas into useful energy and water. Since the only product of the reaction is water, there are no other pollutant emissions produced. Also, it is much more efficient than the internal combustion engine.

This paper discusses the feasibility of the use of fuel cells in automobiles. It focuses primarily on the benefits of the fuel cell, improvements made to the fuel cell vehicle and the challenges remaining for the fuel cell automobile.