(74a) Dynamical Tests on Fiber Optic Data Taken from the Riser Section of a Circulating Fluidized Bed | AIChE

(74a) Dynamical Tests on Fiber Optic Data Taken from the Riser Section of a Circulating Fluidized Bed


Taylor, E. - Presenter, National Energy Technology Center, US DOE
Guenther, C. - Presenter, National Energy Technology Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy

Dynamical tests have been applied to fiber optic data taken from a cold-flow circulating fluidized bed to characterize flow conditions, identify three time and/or length scales (macro, meso, and micro), and understand the contribution these scales have on the raw data. The characteristic variable analyzed is the raw voltage signal obtained from a fiber-optic probe taken at various axial and radial positions under different loading conditions so that different flow regimes could be attained. These experiments were carried out with the bed material of 812 μm cork particles. The characterization was accomplished through analysis of the distribution of the signal through the third and fourth moments of skewness and excess kurtosis. A generalization of the autocorrelation function known as the average mutual information function was analyzed by examining the function's first minimum, identifying the point at which successive elements are no longer correlated. Further characterization was accomplished through the correlation dimension, a measure of the complexity of the attractor. Lastly, the amount of disorder of the system is described by a Kolmogorov-type entropy estimate. All six aforementioned tests were also implemented on ten levels of detail coefficients resulting from a discrete wavelet transformation of the same signal as used above. Through this analysis it is possible to identify and describe micro (particle level), meso (clustering or turbulence level), and macro (physical or dimensional level) length scales even though some literature considers these scales inseparable [6]. This investigation also used detail wavelet coefficients in conjunction with ANOVA analysis to show which scales have the most impact on the raw signal resulting from local hydrodynamic conditions.


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