(87a) Advances in Liquid-Feed Flame Spray Pyrolysis: Innovative Approaches to Nano-Scale Oxide Materials
AIChE Annual Meeting
2007 Annual Meeting
Particle Technology Forum
Gas Phase Synthesis of Nanoparticles
Monday, November 5, 2007 - 12:35pm to 12:55pm
We have used novel metal alkoxide and carboxylate complexes to produce a variety of phase pure single and mixed-metal oxide nanopowders using liquid feed flame spray pyrolysis (LF-FSP). Recent advances in experimental parameters and system variables have allowed us to explore and control the phases, morphology and size distributions of LF-FSP derived particles. The evolution of the synthesis process provides access to very novel materials with standard phase compositions giving unexpected phases as well as difficult or otherwise impossible to achieve stoichiometries within known phase fields. An understanding of the mechanisms of formation of these unexpected products provides a better understanding of nano-particle formation, evolution and processing behavior. This presentation will provide an overview of LF-FSP, novel materials made recently and some of the changes in experimental variables that have made this process so versatile.
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