Biomems and Microfluidics: Cell and Biomolecule Analysis | AIChE

Biomems and Microfluidics: Cell and Biomolecule Analysis


Srivastava, N., Sandia National Laboratories


Vanapalli, S. A., Texas Tech University

The ability to study cellular processes at the single-cell level promises to provide a host of information with benefits in the area of therapeutics and drug discovery. This session will focus on all aspects related to emerging concept of ‘cells in chips’ that is driven by the need to use microfluidics to (1) control cellular environment with fine spatial and temporal resolution (2) parallelize and automate cell-based analysis (3) integrate sensitive detection methods for intracellular components and whole cells. In particular, research studies involving integrated microfluidic approaches to single-cell analysis for disease diagnostics are of special interest. These may incorporate live cell biochemical (metabolites, electrolytes, ions) or physical (morphology and mechanics) measurements. In this session, we invite papers describing microfluidic technology to probe chemical and biochemical responses at the cellular and sub-cellular levels. In addition, we welcome fundamental studies focused on any related aspects including simulation and modeling studies, materials modification to improve system performance, substrate biochemistry, cellular rheology and novel sample preparation protocols.



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