Nanoscale Structure in Polymers III: Polymer Nanocomposites | AIChE

Nanoscale Structure in Polymers III: Polymer Nanocomposites


Yoonessi, M., OAI at NASA Glenn Research Center


Raman, V. I., ISIS - groupe BASF

This session invites contributions exploring innovations in 1) synthesis, fabrication and processing of polymer nanocomposites, (2) theoretical developments leading to the understanding of the observed phenomena, and (3) new applications of polymer nanocomposites. It is known that nanocomposites represent a class of functional materials which can be tailored for properties such as enhanced thermal and mechanical stability, electrical conductivity, transport, and damping properties. Actuators, adaptive and smart materials which respond to external stimuli in a controlled, reproducible manner are new emerging technology. The final properties of nanocomposites are dictated by inherent properties of constituents, interfacial characteristics and dynamics of interfaces, and three dimensional orientation of the nanophase in multiple length scales. This session invites papers investigating novel phenomena, new materials and theories contributing to the exciting forefront technologies in the area of nanocomposites.



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