(201b) Status of the I-Neri Sulfur-Iodine Integrated-Loop Experiment | AIChE

(201b) Status of the I-Neri Sulfur-Iodine Integrated-Loop Experiment


Russ, B. E. - Presenter, General Atomics
Moore, R. C. - Presenter, Sandia National Laboratories
Helie, M. - Presenter, Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique, Saclay

In an International Nuclear Energy Research Initiative (INERI) project supported by the US DOE Office of Nuclear Energy, Sandia National Labs (SNL) has teamed with the Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique (CEA) in France, and industrial partner General Atomics (GA) to construct and operate a closed-loop device for demonstration of hydrogen production by the S-I process. The Integrated Lab Scale (ILS) experiment, which is being conducted at General Atomics' San Diego facility, has successfully demonstrated closed-loop operation under process conditions expected at the pilot plant-level and beyond ? pressures up to 20 bar using engineering materials of construction. This presentation will summarize project goals, work done to date, current status, and scheduled future work on the INERI S-I Integrated-Loop Experiment.


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