(351c) Green Pharma: a Partnership for Sustainable Manufacturing in the Mid-Atlantic | AIChE

(351c) Green Pharma: a Partnership for Sustainable Manufacturing in the Mid-Atlantic


Due to the large energy, water and materials use in this sector, efficiency is a key strategy for profitability. Taken together, plants and office buildings share some of the same environemtnal concerns as a small city. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Green Pharma team helps facilities improve environmental performance in specific areas. The Green Chemistry in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing initiative was put together with key industry leaders, research universities and governement representatives from the Food and Drug Administration.

Free technical assistance is available to manage environmental aspects of facilities in areas of energy, minimizing waste, water use, green procurement and green buildings. A business case will show how addressing these areas will offer: cost savings and operating efficiency; increased market share in the global arena; increased shareholder value; and success in hiring and retention of top talent.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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