(36c) High Average Power Laser Direct Drive Inertial Fusion Energy | AIChE

(36c) High Average Power Laser Direct Drive Inertial Fusion Energy


Gentile, C. A. - Presenter, Princeton University

The United States High Average Power Laser (HAPL) program is developing the conceptual design for a direct drive inertial fusion energy power reactor. This R&D program is a multi-laboratory effort which includes national labs, universities and industry. The reactor, which is planned to be nominally operated at 5 Hz, introduces a D-T cryogenic target into a reactor chamber where it will be symmetrically illuminated by laser light, thus compressing the target and producing a thermonuclear burn. Post detonation energy in the form of neutrons and energetic ions will be harnessed for the end purpose of generating electrical energy. The reactor is fitted with breeder blankets as to produce tritium for use in the device as nuclear fuel. The paper will discuss the status of the HAPL program and the technical challenges associated with the advancement of direct drive IFE power reactor engineering.