(380a) The Elements of Sustainability | AIChE

(380a) The Elements of Sustainability

The Dow Chemical Company, more than 100 years in the making, has deep roots in sustainability and is using sustainability as the basis for one of the company's most significant transformations in more than 50 years. This presentation will discuss the company's rich history in the area, underscore the importance of vision and goals in driving results and accountability, and provide an overview of the existing framework Dow is using to "Set the Standard for Sustainability" -- one of the company's four strategic pillars -- through the power of The Human Element, the more than 46,000 Dow employees. Evidence of Dow's commitment to sustainability is found in the company's 2015 Sustainability Goals, which focus on delivering solutions, reducing its footprint and demonstrating its citizenship. Paramount to the success of this transformation is integration into business strategies and processes, and collaboration with customers, academics, non-governmental and inter-governmental organizations, and other partners. Results from Dow's efforts will be highlighted to show how chemistry can foster innovation and deliver solutions to many of the world's challenges including affordable and adequate food supply; decent housing; sustainable water supplies; improved personal health and safety, as well as climate change, to name a few.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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