(394h) The Future of Biodiesel as a Viable Alternative Fuel: Challenges and Opportunities | AIChE

(394h) The Future of Biodiesel as a Viable Alternative Fuel: Challenges and Opportunities


Ng, K. Y. S. - Presenter, Wayne State University
Salley, S. O. - Presenter, Wayne State University
Tang, H. - Presenter, Wayne State University
Abunasser, N. J. - Presenter, Wayne State University
Kim, M. - Presenter, Wayne State University

Biodiesel is experiencing the growing pain as a sustainable biofuel. The ?fuel vs. food? debate has an unfavorable impact on the biodiesel industry, since majority of biodiesel is produced using refined vegetable oil. In fact, the cost of soybean oil has increased significantly in the past year. This presentation will examine a number of technical, societal, and economic challenges facing the biodiesel industry. Opportunities to develop a truly sustainable and renewable diesel will be discussed.