(434c) New Impeller for Gas Dispersion | AIChE

(434c) New Impeller for Gas Dispersion


Wyczalkowski, W. - Presenter, Philadelphia Mixing Solutions LTD
Higbee, B. - Presenter, Philadelphia Mixing Solutions LTD
Wu, B. - Presenter, Philadelphia Mixing Solutions LTD

This project was initialized as a response to industry demand for an improved impeller for gas dispersion. Several impeller prototypes were built and tested in 0.61 m diameter test rig, CFD and PIV. Analysis was focused on different combinations of blade shape, blade size, and blade location in relation to axis of rotation. All impeller prototypes were made by Laser Stereo Lithography method to ensure accuracy of shape. The project resulted in an optimized design that provides excellent process results, can be built for high power applications, and can be assembled on site.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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