(484e) Granulation Time in Fluidized Bed Granulators | AIChE

(484e) Granulation Time in Fluidized Bed Granulators


Duvvuri, S. - Presenter, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
Roy, P. - Presenter, Indian Institute of technology, Delhi
Khanna, R. - Presenter, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi

Size enlargement of fine powders by wet granulation involves mixing of fine particles with a binder liquid to form larger wet granules and drying them by evaporation of the binder liquid to form larger dry granules. Identification of the time for completion of granulation process is critical as further mixing of dry granules is providing extra energy for their attrition to generate fines. In a batch fluidized bed granulator, monitoring the pressure drop across the bed and temperature of the bed with respect to inlet gas temperature with time can provide information on time for completion of the granulation process. Experimental observations on granulation time for granulation of urea powder as a function of operating parameters in a lab-scale batch fluidized bed granulator are presented.


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