(502b) Economic and Environmental Impact Assessment of Alpha-Naphthol Production by Traditional and Biocataytic Routes | AIChE

(502b) Economic and Environmental Impact Assessment of Alpha-Naphthol Production by Traditional and Biocataytic Routes


Osborne-Lee, I. - Presenter, Prairie View A&M University
Ajiboye, G. - Presenter, Prairie View A&M University
Deason, J. - Presenter, Prairie View A&M University

This work presents an investigation of ways to improve environmental performance for chemical processes, particularly alpha-naphthol production by considering a biocatalytic route to the product. The approach is one of process modeling and comparison wherein a baseline scenario is developed for production of alpha-naphthol based on a traditional chemical route, including process flow sheet synthesis, computer simulation, and economic and environmental impact analysis. Next, an alternative scenario is developed for the production of alpha-naphthol using a bio-catalytic route, with similar modeling and analysis. Finally, a comparison is made of the two alternative scenarios based on performance, life cycle cost and environmental impact revealing a compelling advantage for the biocatalytic route based on both economic and environmental considerations.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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