(534b) Rapid, Global Communication of Company Policies and Standards | AIChE

(534b) Rapid, Global Communication of Company Policies and Standards


OBrien, J. P. - Presenter, PDC Corporation
Wiand, R. - Presenter, PDC Corporation

The challenge of "getting everyone on the same page" is a significant one for companies that operate globally, due to such factors as language differences, relevancy questions, and technology constraints. At the same time, study after study shows that successful companies tend to adhere to a common vision and core set of values enterprise-wide, from "branding" of the company's image, to key business processes and procedures. This paper will explore how companies can deploy a system to accomplish rapid communication of company policies using techniques that were originally developed to disseminate "regulatory management of change" information. By expanding the definition of "rules" to include not just regulatory requirements, but also company standards, guidelines and norms, a single IT approach can serve both sets of purposes. Examples from several leading global companies will be included in this discussion.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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