(535c) A Career in Project Management! | AIChE

(535c) A Career in Project Management!


Cabano, L. J. - Presenter, Pathfinder, LLC

There are many challenging, fulfilling and rewarding careers to choose from in today's diverse and dynamic worldwide environment. This article presents a unique point of view on this critical life directing decision from the acknowledged biased view of a career professional Project Manager of domestic and international Petroleum, Petrochemical and Chemical industrial manufacturing facilities. His perspective on this important matter gives an insightful look at the diversity, excitement, ethics and holistic combination of experiences and issues that all interact in most Project Management situations, to make Project Management the ultimate field of endeavor for some but certainly not all. Clearly, there are certain attributes, interest areas and skill sets that if properly combined and nurtured, provide the right foundation for a very inspiring and gratifying career in this important and valued field.

This article addresses the personal attributes and areas of interest, which combined to convert what would otherwise be a routine daily job into an exciting, interesting, challenging, fulfilling and thoroughly enjoyable and value-added lifetime crusade for some, while earning an impressive income to boot. A Project Management career is not suitable for all, but for those with the right credentials and interests, it can be the ?wind beneath your wings.?


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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