(727e) Studies of the C-Number Distribution in the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis | AIChE

(727e) Studies of the C-Number Distribution in the Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis


Suehiro, Y. - Presenter, Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation
Liu, X. - Presenter, The University of Kitakyushu
Jiu, T. - Presenter, The University of Kitakyushu

Abstract: It was studied the reactions of co-fed 1-decene during Fischer-Tropsch synthesis on Co/SiO2 catalyst in a trickle bed reactor with n-paraffin solvent. Addition of a small amount of 1-decene could greatly enhance the selectivity of diesel range while suppressing the formation of light hydrocarbon products. However, inner olefin or cyclic olefin showed no effects. Products distribution in 1-decene-added FT reaction suggested that the hydrogenolysis, cracking or oligomerization-cracking reactions of co-fed 1-decene, which are competitive with chain growth, occurred depending on the process conditions. The possibility of the practical use of this system was also discussed.

Keywords: Fischer-Tropsch synthesis, Co/SiO2 catalyst, co-fed á-olefin, trickle bed reactor


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