Gasification and Syngas Refining
AIChE Annual Meeting
2008 Annual Meeting
Energy and Transport Processes
Room 202-B
Pennsylvania Convention Center
Friday, November 21, 2008 - 10:45am to 1:15pm
As oil price increasing and stay high in recent years, both industry and government are increasing the R&D funding on producing clean fuels and electricity form resources other then oil. Hydrogen and syngas production will play a major role in the future energy industries such as Integrated Gasification and Combined Cycle (IGCC) for electricity production, Gas to Liquids (GTL), Coal to Liquids (CTL) and Biomass to Liquids (BTL) for clean liquid fuel production. Noticed that all the above mentioned industries requires one to convert coal, biomass, bioliquids or natural gas to syngas first before using Fisher-Tropech reaction to make liquids. This session will review the technologies of gasification and syngas production from different resources such as biomass, bioliquids, natural gas and coal.
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