2009 Annual Meeting
(129b) Experimental Validation of An Approach to Real-Time Economic Optimisation
This work discusses the implementation and integration of Predictive Functional Control (PFC) with the Economic Optimisation for close loop plant-wide optimisation, on a pilot distillation column. Backx et al. proposed a multilayer control strategy for close loop plant-wide optimisation for ?market driven mode? industries, which separated optimization and control layer for practical feasibility due to complexity of the full dynamic optimization of a plant. The consistency between model-based optimisation and unit-level control (MPC) is crucial for high performance in plant operation. Therefore, it is necessary to fully integrate the optimisation and control layer. Moreover, Tosukhowong et al. focused on optimizing the real time optimisation RTO (optimisation layer) in order to have a better ?multilayer control strategy? performance. In contrast to this, in this work we focus on the multilayer control strategy by integrating PFC (Predictive Functional Control) in the control layer, because of the advantages from PFC and its successful implementation in industries [2,9]. In order to demonstrate and verify the efficiency of the developed approach, a multilayer control strategy for a high pressure distillation column is used as an example.
[1] Sloley, A.W. (2001): Effectively Control Column Pressure
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[7] T. Tosukhowong and J.H. Lee (2004): Real-time Economic Optimization for an Integrated Plant via a Dynamic Optimization Scheme. Proceeding of the 2004 American Control Conference.
[8] T. Backx, O. Bosgra, W. Marquardt (2000): Integration of Model Predictive Control and Optimization of Processes. Proceeding of the IFAC Symposium ?Advance Control of Chemical Processes?, 249-260.
[9] Satriadarma, B., Arellano-Garcia, H. & Wozny, G. (2008) Implemetentation of Predictive Functional Control on a high pressure distillation column. AICHE 2008. Philadelphia, USA.