(14c) Sustainable Bio-Based Green-Composites for Automotive Interior Parts | AIChE

(14c) Sustainable Bio-Based Green-Composites for Automotive Interior Parts


Kim, H. - Presenter, Seoul National University
Lee, B. - Presenter, Seoul National University

Advanced polymer composites containing carbon and glass fibers have been utilized extensively in the aerospace, automotive, and construction industries. Since the matrices and the fiber reinforcements in these advanced composites are based on mineral resources, their long term sustainability is problematic. While recycling may be a viable strategy, the complicated mixed morphology of composite materials makes them inherently difficult to recycle. In comparison, several so called green-composites, have been developed that offer certain environmental advantages at the end of their use cycle when composites are landfilled or incinerated. For the purposes of this study, green-composites are defined as composite materials that combine natural fibers such as sisal, jute, hemp, and kenaf with either biodegradable or non-biodegradable polymers. Natural fibers have many advantages over synthetic fibers; these advantages include biodegradability, low density, high toughness, acceptable specific strength, reduced dermal and respiratory irritation, low cost, and less use on non-renewable resources.

Recently, ?Sick Car Syndrome' was occurred by the problem for new made cars that have great quantity VOCs (volatile organic compounds) in their interior parts. Thus, the automotive makers have struggled to reduce emitted VOCs from car interior. In building fields, it had researched TVOC reduction method, such as ventilation equipment, bake-out treatment. A bake-out has been used to reduce VOC emissions from newly installed materials, products, and furnishings. This word in usually used to prevent building-associated illness caused by the off gassing of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and formaldehyde from residual solvents in new building materials and furnishings.

Therefore, in present study, we investigate bio-composite with sustainable reinforced natural filler to enhance thermal and mechanical properties of green-composites. And manufactured bio-composites were experimented by thermal test such as HDT, thermal aging test for application of car interior parts. And TVOC emission behavior from bio-based green-composites materials was investigated for the solution of TVOC reduction in car indoor by various test methods.


This paper has an Extended Abstract file available; you must purchase the conference proceedings to access it.


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