(259b) Intellectual Assets in the Digital Era | AIChE

(259b) Intellectual Assets in the Digital Era


McCann, P. - Presenter, Smith Moore Leatherwood LLP
Gatling, K. - Presenter, Smith Moore Leatherwood LLP
Antolin, S. - Presenter, Smith Moore Leatherwood LLP
Cottrell, C. - Presenter, Smith Moore Leatherwood LLP
Mitchell, M. - Presenter, Smith Moore Leatherwood LLP

Advances in information technology have helped to increase the pace of scientific discovery. While these advances have their advantages, the complexities involved in protecting intellectual assets can bring about serious consequences for misapplying or misunderstanding IP law. Our presentation will discuss the various forms of intellectual property assets, including patents, copyrights and trade secrets. We will also address the significant economic role that intellectual property rights play in businesses of all sizes. The presentation will present a range of ?red flag? issues that may arise in hiring and consulting decisions, research and development, and licensing. The presentation will also review the specific challenges to protecting intellectual assets brought about by trends in information technology; such as online publications and marketing, industry or technology collaborative blogs and online professional networking.


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