(485a) Genomic Library Screens for Butanol Tolerant Genes in Escherichia Coli | AIChE

(485a) Genomic Library Screens for Butanol Tolerant Genes in Escherichia Coli


Reyes, L. H. - Presenter, Texas A&M University

Recent advances in the metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli demonstrated it's potential for use in butanol production. Due to it's fast growth, ability to grow with and without oxygen, and it's well characterized central metabolism, E. coli has several advantages over the native producer, Clostridia. However, low solvent tolerance is one of the main challenges in the use of microorganisms for solvent production, with the highest concentration of butanol tolerated by these bacteria being only around 2%.

To elucidate the mechanisms of butanol tolerance in E. coli, an E. coli genomic DNA library was constructed. DNA inserts conferring increased tolerance to butanol were enriched via serial transfers of batch cultures or in continuous cultures with increasing butanol concentrations. The identities of genes or pathways involved in butanol tolerance are identified via DNA microarray analysis.